In Uruguay, despite the fact that Palliative Care (PC) is part of the patient's care process, only 18% of the users that had requested it received in 2012 the PC that they would have needed (PNCP, 2013). Among the causes, the lack of professional training stands out ...
In Palliative Care one of the main concerns for Nursing is the control of symptoms, since a poorly controlled symptom is a physical, emotional and / or spiritual discomfort for the patient, his family and the multidisciplinary team.
We have a good tool that are the nursing diagnoses, which help us to unify criteria in relation to the symptoms observed in the day to day, since one of our goals is to continue researching to achieve comprehensive and quality care ...
Many of the interventions in the oral cavity cause pain because they are areas rich in free nerve endings and these transmit that nociceptive stimulus to the structures of the Central Nervous System. For this reason, it is necessary to use correct techniques of local and regional anesthesia that manage to minimize painful impulses, thus allowing pain-free treatments and reduce the fear and concern of the patient ...
The objective of this article is to offer a review of the medical indications of acupuncture based on studies that show scientific evidence.
Since "pain" is the symptom where there are more studies that have shown scientific evidence for acupuncture treatment, this article has its raison d'etre to be included in a journal focused on pain ...
The purpose of this study is to describe the morphology of left ventricle of the heart by contrast enhanced Computed Tomography (CT) in patients without cardiac disease. Septum and free wall thickness and diameter of the ventricular cavity were measured at three points; ventricle base, length, apex thickness and angle between the left ventricle and the body axis were also measured ...