ES | EN | PT
ISSN 2604-7071

Instructions for Authors

Authors should submit their manuscripts in accordance with the Group Scientific Big Data (G-SBD) guidelines. Please ensure your manuscript meets the established requirements before starting the online submission process. Click here to see an example.

G-SBD has an online submission platform with an automated procedure, and the following guidelines should be followed to ensure you upload and view your work in the correct manner.





Style and format

Type of file

Manuscripts should be submitted in DOC or DOCX format, and files should not be protected.


There are no limits in relation to the length of the work. There are also no restrictions in relation to the number of tables or figures.


Use a standard font (Arial, for example) and size 12.

Spacing and layout

Use double spacing throughout the manuscript and do not place the text in multiple columns.


Headers should be well indicated. The guidelines are defined below. Limit the sections and sub-sections to three header levels.


All footnotes should be placed in the “Footnotes” section at the end of the document.


The languages accepted are: Spanish (ESP and MEX), Catalan, English, Portuguese (PORT and BRA) and French. The same manuscript may be published in two different languages. We will also provide you with a translation service upon request.

Abbreviations and acronyms

Define abbreviations and acronyms the first time they appear in the text.


Organisation of the manuscript

Manuscripts should be organised in the following manner:

  • Front page
    • Title
      • 250 characters
      • only the first letter in upper case (except for proper nouns, etc.).
      • Font size 20 and in bold type.
      • The short title (max. 40 characters) should only be placed in the field for this purpose on the platform. It should not appear in the main document.
    • Authors
      • Name (or initials) followed by surname(s).
      • Only one correspondence author will be in contact with G-SBD and this will be the only person with the power to change the manuscript during the validation process. However, more than one correspondence author may be specified in the article (who are not established as co-authors on the platform).
      • Do not include electronic mail addresses in the document, as there is a field for this on the platform.
      • Separated by a comma (,).
      • Font size 12.
    • Affiliations
      • Each author´s affiliation must be provided.
      • This should include: unit, department, hospital or university and location.
      • Separated by a period and comma (;).
      • Font size 12, in italics
    • Next
      • Abstract
        • The word Abstract should be typed in font size 18 and in bold type.
        • Maximum length of 300 words.
      • Key words
        • “Key words:” should be typed in font size 12 and in bold type.
        • From 3 to 6 words or short phrases.
        • Separated by a period (;).
      • Introduction
        • “Introduction” should be typed in font size 18 and in bold type.
      • Following pages
        • The following sections may be placed in any order:
          • Materials and methods
          • Results
          • Discussion
          • Conclusions
          • Acknowledgements
          • Source of financing
          • Footnotes
        • References
        • These should be in font size 18 and in bold type.

Figures and tables

Figures and table should not be included in the main document. Each figure and table should be uploaded to the platform individually.


Should be numbered consecutively using Arabic characters in the order in which they appear in the text (e.g. Fig. 1). N.B: the name of the reference in the text and of the file uploaded to the platform should be the same.

Figures, drawings and sketches should be generated with the greatest possible quality (JPG, TIFF, EPS, Word and Illustrator). A low-resolution figure will be harder to interpret. They should not exceed 300 DPI.

The foot will container the information required to correctly interpret the figure without referring to the text.

All iconography should be original. Otherwise, the source reference should be quoted and the author should obtain the prior permission of the respective publishing house for publication on G-SBD. Data included in the text should not be repeated in figures.

Photographs of objects will include a ruler to calculate the reference measurements.
Microphotographs should feature the microscopic magnification or a reference micrometer bar.
With regard to patients, the patient´s name, face and personal data should not appear in either photographs or figures.


Number tables consecutively using Arabic characters in the order they appear in the text, with the titles at the top and the meaning of the abbreviations and the explanatory notes at the bottom.

Tables should be labeled “Table 1” and the reference in the text and the file uploaded to the platform should be identical.


Bibliographic References

References should be presented in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (International Committee of Biomedical Journal Editors and the Vancouver Style):

References should be presented using Arabic numerals in a consecutive manner, in the order in which they appear in the text and between brackets (e.g.: [1]).

When providing references with more than six authors, only the first six authors of the work should be included, followed by “et al;” after the sixth author. All the authors should be included in cases of references with six authors or fewer.

A link should be provided for If the reference including a DOI or URL (hyperlink).


Orthotypographical and style correction

G-SBD recommends all work is corrected. If you would like your manuscript to be corrected by a professional, please select the option in step 10 on the platform.

Orthotypographical correction

Orthotypographical correction is linguistic correction that serves both to correct orthographic, syntactic, grammatical and typographical mistakes and to unify typographical resources (upper case letters, italics, quotation marks, bold type). The principles of aesthetics, functionality, legibility and communicative efficacy are applied to the text during the orthotypographical correction process.

Style correction

Style correction is a literary correction of the syntactic, grammatical and expressive planes with the aim of polishing the text and optimising its resources. It deals with aspects that are not mistakes from a regulatory point of view but have a negative effect on the work. Imperfections are removed and the virtues of the text are highlighted, providing it with the expressiveness, richness, coherence and precision required to achieve a clear and fluent read. While preserving the author´s own style.


Conflicts of interest

A description of sources of funding, financial disclosure, and the role of sponsors must be included in the Acknowledgements section of the manuscript. This description should include the involvement, if any, in review and approval of the manuscript for publication and the role of sponsors. In addition, authors must disclose in a Conflicts of Interest section if they have personal financial interests related to the subject matters discussed in the manuscript. Public trust in the scientific process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how transparently conflicts of interest are handled during the planning, implementation, writing, peer review, editing, and publication of scientific work.



You will need to register to access the G-SBD publication platform, through this link. If you have already registered, click on this link to begin the publishing process.


Please contact us in the event of doubt.